Hello all.
first of all, i would like to thank tessie. This forum has potential and hopefully, cosplayers in SG and even overseas, will turn to us for thier costuming needs!
I have been cosplaying since 2005. I am in a starwars organisation, called the '501st Legion', where we are actively involved in charity events, raising funds for societies and all. U can read more at (www.501st.com).
Since then, I have realised the need for people to get thier costuming parts. Reliability, quality and speed of which, are very impt. Cost and budget is also impt. I hope i can meet that in the contact lens dept, which i will be setting up soon in this forum, thnks to tessie. Prices will be more competitive, and i assure only genuine and high quality lens. Find cheaper lens? watch out, they might be fakes.
hello to all!