1. Vampire Knight Night Class Female Uniformpicture upon request since most of you already know what it looks like.
Includes: Black shirt, white skirt, Blazer, arm band, red ribbon
Condition: 8/10
Selling at: $100
Others: also selling orange wig and purple umbrella as a set if you want it. Price will differ, of course.
2. Ace Attorney - Maya Fey costumePicture credits to Constellar
Includes: outer purple piece, inner dyed pink piece and long, deep purplish-red ribbon
Condition: 8/10
Selling at: $70
Note: Inner piece was initially white, but I dyed it to light pink personally.
Others: Maya Fey wig and necklace as seen in the picture.
3. Pandora Hearts - Alice costumePicture credits to Khaikhai
Includes: the outer piece and ribbon. White shirt and black mini skirt inside are NOT INCLUDED.
Condition: 10/10
Sellling at: $100
Note: The costume is a bit long for me so it might fit those who are a bit taller.
Others: Selling wig as well!